Wireless Devices

Spectrum Details for TVWS (US) Frequency Band

Band TVWS (US)
Band Name Television White Space (U.S.)
Frequency 54-698 MHz
Allocated Use WLAN
Used in Region North America
Used in Countries United States
Duplex Mode TDD
TDD Band (MHz) 54 - 6981
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Please contact an Rfwel antenna expert for help if you cannot find an antenna that covers all the bands of interest or with the properties you need for your application.
Search Devices that Support the TVWS (US) band
Spectrum Details

Television White Space (TVWS) refers to the unused guard bands between channels used for TV (UHF/VHF channels). Access to the TVWS band is controlled by a Spectrum Access System (SAS) database which provides channel availability to band operators (e.g., WISPs deploying fixed wireless access connectivity in rural areas). Learn more.

TVWS Bands U.S.

See links above for devices that support TV WhiteSpace and recommended antennas for such devices.


TV White Space for Wireless Communication

Articles discussing using of TV White Space spectrum for different applications including in rural broadband communication (fixed wireless access). Focused on United States TVWS. 

TVWS Articles
  1. TV Whitespace covers just the unused frequency bands between channels spanning this frequency band (UHF and VHF TV channels).