Wireless Devices

Spectrum Details for NR n47 Frequency Band

Band NR n47
Band Name TD 59001
Frequency 5900
Allocated Use 5G, V2X
Duplex Mode TDD
TDD Band (MHz) 5855 - 5925
Bandwidth 70 MHz
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Spectrum Details
C-V2X Communication bands
Channel Number Freq. Range (GHz) Max. EIRP (dBm) Use
170 5.850-5.855 -- Reserved
172 5855-5865 33 Service Channel
174 5865-5875 33 Service Channel
175 5865-5885 23 Service Channel
176 5875-5885 33 Service Channel
178 5885-5895 33/44.8 Control Channel
180 5895-5905 23 Service Channel
181 5895-5915 23 Service Channel
182 5905-5915 23 Service Channel
184 5915-5925 33/40 Service Channel


  1. Reserved for C-V2X service. There is no expected network deployment in this band. See 47 CFR §90 SubPart M.