Wireless Devices

Spectrum Details for LTE Band 41 Frequency Band

Band LTE Band 41
Band Name TD 2500 (BRS / EBS)
Allocated Use 4G, Cellular
Used in Region Global, North America
Used in Countries China, Japan, United States
Duplex Mode TDD
TDD Band (MHz) 2496 - 2690
Bandwidth 194 MHz
U.S. Operators
The following U.S. Operators support the LTE Band 41: Sprint (now T-Mobile) , T-Mobile
Search for non-U.S. cellular operators who support this band
Search LTE Band 41 antennas
Please contact an Rfwel antenna expert for help if you cannot find an antenna that covers all the bands of interest or with the properties you need for your application.
Search Devices that Support the LTE Band 41 band