Wireless Devices

Spectrum Details for 6 GHz Frequency Band

Band 6 GHz
Band Name 6 GHz UNII2
Frequency 5925 - 7125 MHz
Allocated Use WLAN
Used in Region Global
Used in Countries United States
Duplex Mode TDD
TDD Band (MHz) 5925 - 71251
Bandwidth 1.200 GHz
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Radio Service


Technical Summary

Part 15 regulates unlicensed devices, such as Wi-Fi routers and Bluetooth transmitters, to prevent interference with licensed services. It includes technical standards for intentional and unintentional radiators, with power limits for devices in bands like 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. Wi-Fi's output power is limited to 1 watt in certain U-NII bands. To ensure compliance, devices must undergo testing and meet specific emission thresholds.

Technical Details

Legal Details

Kama Thuo, PLLC Wireless Telecommunications Law Firm has compiled legal details on FCC Part 15.

Explore Legal Details

Spectrum Details
U-NII bands and FCC regs
Name Freq. Range (GHz) Bandwidth (MHz) Radio Services
U-NII-5 5.925–6.425 500

RF Devices (Part 15)Fixed Microwave (Part 101)

U-NII-6 6.425–6.525 100
U-NII-7 6.525–6.875 350
U-NII-8 6.875–7.125 250 RF Devices (Part 15)


Licensing Details
Band Portion License Type License Eligibility
6 GHz Unlicensed Any Person or Entity

For legal details on 6 GHz (or for counseling on spectrum licensing and allocation generally), see information at Kama Thuo, PLLC Wireless Telecommunications Law Firm.

Explore 6 GHz Band Legal Details

  1. 1.2 GHz Bandwidth for U-NII-5 to U-NII-8. U-NII-5=5.925-6.425 GHz; U-NII-6=6.425-6.525 GHz; U-NII-7=6.525-6.875 GHz; U-NII-8=6.875-7.125 GHz.

  2. 47 CFR § 97.303 authorizes amateur radio operators to transmit at 5.65-5.725 GHz.