Wireless Device Info (WDI)

Frequency Band Detail for 60 GHz

Spectrum Attribute Attribute Value
Band 60 GHz
Band Name 60 GHz Unlicensed (Subset of V-Band)1
Frequency 60 GHz
Allocated Use WLAN
Used in Region Global
Duplex Mode TDD
TDD Band (MHz) 57050 - 71000
Bandwidth 13950
Devices Search Devices that Support Band 60 GHz here

In 2023, the FCC authorized unlicensed field disturbance sensors (FDS) to operate in the 57-71 GHz band. Used for short-range radars for 'hot car' cabin sensors, healthcare monitoring, emergency response drones, etc. See Report and Order

  1. Although the 60 GHz band is global, the 57-71 GHz is U.S.-specific. Other jurisdictions have different ranges, typically up to 64 or 66 GHz.